64+ virtual airway-trained doctors in 45 states and counting.
Get a 24-month treatment plan customized to your child.
Get ready to shut yo’ mouth!
Guidance appliance therapy with an airway specialized dentist.
The American Dental Association recommends that all dentists screen for suboptimal growth and development. At Toothpillow, we’ve simplified the screening process with an online assessment form, where we ask for photos of your child's mouth easily taken from your phone.
Once the assessment form is submitted, your child’s case will be reviewed by our head clinical care team and assigned to a dentist in your state who specializes in treating issues related to the airway, particularly as they affect breathing and overall health, and will give a diagnosis and treatment plan. This includes prescribing the correct oral appliance for your child and monitoring them through to the next device as they grow and progress.
Your prescribed oral appliance aims to address the root cause of orthodontic issues by targeting poor oral habits. The guide teaches children to breathe through their nose, properly position their tongue on the roof of their mouth, and encourages the natural growth of their jaws to their full potential. As a result, this treatment creates adequate space for teeth to grow in straight, reducing the need for braces. Our doctors recommend wearing the prescribed guidance appliance every night and 1-2 hours during the day. Patient compliance is key to success!
Work it out!
Myofunctional therapy
A myofunctional therapist is a licensed speech language pathologist or dental hygienist that has undergone extensive training in treating dysfunction in the muscles of the face, mouth, and throat. They’re like a personal trainer for your tongue!
Myofunctional therapy is one of the most important parts of the Toothpillow treatment because it addresses the oral facial muscles and tongue function, which often develops poorly due to bad habits. Myofunctional exercises are simple, quick routines designed to restore proper tongue mobility, tongue posture, and function.
For optimal retention and consistent progress, our recommended treatment plan is best because it includes 10 one-on-one sessions with a Toothpillow myofunctional therapist that will customize the program week-to-week for the best possible outcome. Though we do offer a self guided option, your results may not be as effective.Learn more
Let’s do this
Dedicated care coordinator
Our experienced care coordinators are ready to offer support and step-by-step guidance during your 24 month treatment plan. From the initial stages to the final milestones, they work closely with your assigned doctor and care team members to ensure your child's progress stays on track, fostering a positive and healthy transformation.
With 24/7 access to your care team, you'll always have the assistance and expertise you need, whenever you need it, to navigate each step of the journey with confidence.
checkin’ in!
Virtual checkins in the Toothpillow app
The Toothpillow app is our virtual airway dental office, and your guide, helping your child to track progress and stay compliant.
The app includes a daily checklist:
You’ll report your progress weekly, and submit monthly photos so we can monitor jaw growth and teeth alignment. If anything seems off track, your doctor and their care team will reach out.
Every three months you'll submit a full set of photos and update us on the sleep and breathing symptom list. This helps us ensure your child is progressing as expected.
Sniff, sniff, blow!
Nasal hygiene
Good nasal hygiene is crucial—especially for kids and adults who are frequently mouth breathing. It plays a significant role in maintaining open airways during sleep, reducing the likelihood of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing, leading to poor-quality sleep and daytime fatigue.
Humans are obligate nose breathers, and it can actually make you healthier! For optimal health, children (and adults!) should breathe through their nose whenever they are not speaking or eating.
Nasal spray is included in your Toothpillow box to help loosen up and clear nasal passages, making it easier to breathe through your nose. We encourage morning and night-time use—every time you brush your teeth you should also clear your nose.
Affordable pricing for any budget
We accept HSA, FSA, and CareCredit.
*Financing options vary based on practice or location. Consults your treatment coordinator for more information.
**In-office care: Available in limited locations
Optional add-ons
Basic subscription box
Receive a convenient refill of all the essential treatment supplies! This helps keep kids motivated, rewarded, and on track to reach their treatment goals with ease.
Premium subscription box
Receive a lifetime warranty on your appliance, alongside fun learning activities in each new box that makes oral health an exciting and educational journey for your child.
Save $100 when you refer a friend to Toothpillow
![]() | 5.0 • 12 Reviews |
Overall its been really cool to see he’s had a lot less outbursts, and when he falls asleep he stays asleep. He’s able to calm himself down a lot easier and can self-regulate more. The ADHD-type symptoms have decreased significantly! It’s really neat to see his brain is changing. He also now has a beautiful smile!
My 8yo has now been in Toothpillow for 1.5 months. My 5yo has been using it for close to1 month. Both are breathing through nose consistently at night and keeping their devices in all night! They’ve also been doing daily myofunctional exercises via the app & in person myo.
Toothpillow update from my five and a half year old. So he’s been in Toothpillow for about 3 months now and just the nighttime wear, he’s really compliant about that. The daytime wear they ask you to wear it for an hour in the day and that’s been a little bit more challenging for us. Um so, this is based on the nighttime wear
The reason I am feeling so called to share about this, is because I wish someone had this information when I was a kid, when my husband was a kid. Maybe even when my parents were kids.
I’m in full believe that Toothpillow is changing lives, and it’s not even just a belief. It’s like it has been shown to me and proven to me.
Before even joining Toothpillow the support team has been absolutely incredible, they’ve answered all my questions, my concerns, and just knowing that they have the best interest for my child to develop in a health way, was really amazing!
Toothpillow has been such a God sent for our family, we’ve been so grateful that somebody thought to create a program that would reach family like ours that live in rural areas that don’t have access to in person treatment like people who live in a big city.
They will teach you everything you need to know about dentistry, about mouth, about sleeping, about all of it.
When you sign up for Toothpillow, they will send you this cute package and it’s super fun, the kids get excited about it and I think because I had braces, that my kids were like, oh look I get something fun for my teeth too.
We found Toothpillow which was a huge game changer for us because it gave us the ability to address airway and jaw alignment issues without needing to spend hours traveling, plus it’s a much more cost-effective solution.
We just had our 3 months evaluation with Toothpillow for both kiddos and both are seeing progress, we’re seeing better sleep, we’re seeing crossbite adjusted, we’re seeing teeths that are turned in more straight. Anyways, we’re really, really, really happy with the progress we’re seeing.
I ultimately chose the Toothpillow because it’s a win win – It’s a preventative and pre-orthodontic system that looks at the root cause of an issue. It can help support and correct proper jaw development, and promote nasal breathing, which only can create a healthier environment for Arianna.